Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Blackhumour - ...it was inappropriate

First track is enjoyable looped voice cut-up creating a fast rhythm over a looped 5 note drone.
track two isn't as enjoyable, 2 voices played together saying various phrases creating a murmur while a muted alarm woop woop and wuuh play over a deep drone. this goes on for nearly 10 mins.
Track three sounds like rapid tapedeck play+rew+play+rew+play done with voice samples creating a disjointed non-rhythm. the left and right channels have separate manipulations going on that collide randomly and blend together on speakers, but is rather disorienting and separated through headphones. Interesting but again it's the same idea going on for 10mins with no variation but the randomness of were the looped sounds from one channel intersect with the other.
Track four is a repetitive loop of treated echoed murmurs and a 3 note synth loop. There's a couple short outbursts of voice fragments at 3 points that liven things up. Enjoyable mood created with the loops and i didn't start looking at the >> button til the 3 min mark after i realized it was going to do the same thing for another 7 mins, the outbursts of sound were a welcome addition, i wish there was more of them.
track five is just 4 voices saying "one hundred, thirteen, two, four" for 10mins, not very interesting. ff>>
Track six appears to be a 3second loop in the left channel, slightly altered version of that loop in the right channel. the loop reminds me of a combination of cafeteria noise and bullfrogs at night over top of amplified dusty record static. Nice atmosphere but like the other tracks it doesn't really go anywhere, same 3 second loop for 9mins.

Tracks 1 and 3 are the standout songs because of their faster cuts in the foreground of the mix. The only other track i really liked was 4 for the eerie tone the loops created.

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